Setting Up Conditions of Approval Templates

Conditions of approval are automatically applied to planning applications through templates. As agency administrators, you create and configure conditions of approval templates by selecting the conditions of your choice.

Conditions of approval templates are associated with planning application types, which determine the type of template that is applied to a submitted planning application. See the section Setting Up Conditions of Approval in Setting Up Planning Application Types.

Viewing and Reordering Conditions in Templates

Use the Conditions of Approval Template page to view the templates configured in the system. To view the conditions of approval added to the template:

  1. Select Conditions of Approval Setup > Conditions of Approval Template.

  2. Select the template in which you want to view the conditions of approval.

  3. The Conditions of Approval Template detail page lists all the conditions that belong to the template. You can view the details of each condition, such as the type, category, subcategory, compliance period, and enable switch.

  4. If you want to reorder the conditions of approval, click the Reorder button to open the Reorder Conditions of Approval page and then select a condition record. You can reorder the conditions in two ways:

    (a) Use the reordering icons:

    Page Element



    Click to move the selected record to the top of the list.


    Click to move up the selected record by one step.


    Click to move down the selected record by one step.


    Click to move the selected record to the bottom of the list.

    (b) Drag and drop the selected record to a new position in the list.

    Note: You can also sort the conditions by their type, category, and subcategory using the column headers.
  5. Click Save to save and return to the Conditions of Approval Template page, which refreshes to show the reordered condition list.

Adding Conditions of Approval Templates

Use the Conditions of Approval Template page to set up conditions of approval templates.

  1. Select Conditions of Approval Setup > Conditions of Approval Template.

  2. The Conditions of Approval Template page lists all the templates set up in the system. Click Add to add a new template

  3. The Conditions of Approval Template details page lists all the conditions that belong to the template. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Template ID

    Enter an identifier of the template.


    Enter a name for the template.


    Enter a description of the template.


    Click the button to open the Conditions of Approval Template list page to add one or more conditions.

  4. The Conditions of Approval Template list page lists all the conditions in the system with details of the category, subcategory, type, and compliance period. Search and select the conditions using the check boxes next to the condition.

  5. Click Save to save and return to the Conditions of Approval Template detail page.

  6. Ensure that the Enabled switch is turned on.

  7. Click Save to save and return to the Conditions of Approval Template page.