Setting Up Rating Methods

A inspection rating method may have one or more rating ranges, which an inspector uses to evaluate the object of an inspection. You add, modify, or delete rating methods and rating details for inspections on the Rating Method page.

If you are using scoring for inspections, you must also set up rating methods. Rating methods are used at the inspection type level and are not required at the checklist or checklist item levels.

Adding Rating Methods

You add an inspection rating method by setting up the rating method code with a description and rating details. For example, an agency might use GRADES as the rating method code, with a description of Standard Grades. The rating details might include grades such as A (high) to F (low), and provide a range of scores to each rating. If the rating for an A grade is defined by 90-100 points, an inspection score of 95 would receive an A.

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Rating Method.

  2. On the Rating Method page, click Add to add a rating method.

  3. On the Rating Method Details page, enter a rating method name and description. The description is a user-friendly name for the inspection rating method.

  4. To add rating method values, click the Add button for the first row in the detail grid, and the Add icon for the next rows.

  5. Enter values for the rating method:

    Page Element



    Enter a short name for the rating.

    Minimum Score and Maximum Score

    Enter minimum and maximum numerical values to specify the range for this rating. Do not use decimals.

    The range for this rating cannot overlap the range for another rating.

  6. Click Save.

For example, if your rating method uses grades A through F, you specify the rating range for each grade in the Rating Method Values table. The range for each rating cannot overlap the range for another rating.


Minimum Score

Maximum Score
















Modifying Rating Methods

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Rating Method.

  2. On the Rating Method page, select the row for the rating method you want to modify.

  3. In the header fields on the Rating Method Details page, you can only modify the rating method description. You cannot change the name of the rating method.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying Rating Method Values

You can change the minimum and maximum scores for a rating on the Rating Method Details page.

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Rating Method.

  2. On the Rating Method page, select the row for the rating method you want to modify.

  3. On the Rating Method Details page, select the rating row in the values grid that you want to modify.

  4. Change the values in the Minimum Score or Maximum Score fields for this rating on the Rating Method Value Details page. You can use the arrow icons to increase or decrease the score values. The range for this rating cannot overlap the range for another rating. You cannot change the name of the rating.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Rating Methods

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Rating Method.

  2. On the Rating Method page, select the row for the rating method you want to delete.

  3. On the Rating Method Details page, click Delete.

    Note: When you delete a rating method, all associated rating details are also deleted.
  4. To delete multiple rating methods, click the Edit icon on the Rating Method page.

  5. Select the check boxes for the rating methods you want to delete.

  6. Click the Delete icon.

    Note: When you delete multiple rating methods, all associated rating details are also deleted.
  7. Click Save.

Deleting Rating Method Values

  1. Select Inspection Setup > Rating Method.

  2. On the Rating Method page, select the row for the rating method you want to modify.

  3. On the Rating Method Details page, select the ratings row in the value grid that you want to delete.

  4. On the detail page for the individual rating, click Delete.

  5. To delete multiple rating method values, click the Edit icon in the Rating Method Values section.

  6. Select the check boxes for the rating method values you want to delete.

  7. Click the Delete icon.

  8. Click Save.