Managing Project Assignments

You can assign projects to deposit accounts, remove assigned projects, or inactivate assignments.

An account that is associated to a project enables authorized users to use the funds in the account to pay for fees on a permit or planning record for a specific project, if the permit or planning record is assigned to the project and if the authorized user is an applicant or a contact who can pay.

You can manage projects on the Deposit Account page, on the Projects tab.

Assigning Projects

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Deposit Accounts.

  2. On the Deposit Accounts page, click Projects in the left hand navigation.

  3. Click the row for a project if you want to revise existing information. Click Assign Project to assign a new project.

  4. On the Assign modal window, select the Project Code.

  5. Select an Assign Status. Choices are Active or Inactive.

  6. Select Yes to indicate if this is the Primary Account.

  7. Click Save.

Removing Assigned Projects

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Deposit Accounts.

  2. On the Deposit Accounts page, click Projects in the left hand navigation.

  3. Click the row for the project and click Delete.

  4. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Inactivating Assigned Projects

  1. Select Billing and Payment > Deposit Accounts.

  2. On the Deposit Accounts page, click Projects in the left hand navigation.

  3. Change the Assign Status to Inactive.

  4. Click Save.