Overview of Existing Page Modification

This topic provides an overview of how you can modify an existing page delivered by Oracle in a Oracle Permitting and Licensing offering.

You can use the Configure Page feature to modify specific attributes of an existing page delivered by Oracle in a Oracle Permitting and Licensing offering. You can make these modifications:

  • Change field labels.

  • Hide fields.

Note: In the current release, you can modify only the Parcel Details page.

Examples of page modifications include:

  • Suppose the existing page has a field label that doesn’t correspond to the terminology used in your agency. Suppose the delivered field label is Flood Zone, but your agency uses Flood Zone Code. You can use the Configure Page option to modify the label.

  • Suppose the existing page contains a field tracking information your agency does not track, such as the Patio field. You can use the Configure Page feature to hide that field.