Viewing Audit History

You use audit history to view changes to the application data such as the business objects that were created, updated, and deleted.

Before you begin, you must have a role with the assigned privilege View Audit History (FND_VIEW_AUDIT_HISTORY_PRIV). For appropriate assignment of roles and privileges, check with your security administrator.

To view the Fee Schedule audit history or to create a report:

  1. To open the Audit History work area, select Setup and Maintenance > Navigator > Tools > Audit Reports.

  2. Enter the following search values:

    Audit Reports Search Field



    Enter the date for the audit results you want to see.


    Select Public Sector Common Components.

    Business Object Type

    • Fee Transactions

    • Fee Schedule

    • Common Transaction Data

  3. Select the option to Include child objects.

The default search displays a summary of the audit history in the search results table. It includes key data such as date, user, product, event type, business object type, and description. For a detailed report, search again with modified search criteria. You can export the report summary to Microsoft Excel.

Search Parameter

Result of Selection

Business Object Type

Note: This parameter is applicable only for the business objects that belong to Oracle Applications Cloud.
  • Narrows the search results to that specific business object within the selected product.

  • Enables the Show Attribute Details check box.

Include Child Objects

Displays all the child objects that were listed for that business object when audit was set up. For example, a sales order object that contains several items as child objects.

Note: Displays the objects at the immediate parent-child level only. To view the children at subsequent levels, select the child object as the business object type and search again.

Show Impersonator

Displays the details of the impersonator who modified the objects during an impersonation session.

Show Attribute Details

Enables the attribute list so that users can select either all attributes or a specific attribute to view the changes. Based on the selection, the search results indicate whether the attribute is created, updated, or deleted, and the corresponding old and replaced values.

Show Additional Object Identifier Columns

Displays the instances (contexts) in which the business object was used. The context values identify the objects and the transactions in which they were used. Each context is unique and assigns a unique description to the business object.

Note: The default report displays a standard set of columns that contain prominent details of the audit history. To view additional details, you can change the display of columns.