Setting Up Business License Amendments

Businesses that want to update business information for their license can apply for an amendment. Several setup steps are required for your agency to support business license amendments.

  • Set up amendment fee items and fee schedule.

    Select the Amendment option and map to the decision model you’ll use for calculating the item on the Fee Item Details page in the fee schedule.

    See Setting Up Fee Schedules.

  • Set up the business license type to support amendments.

    Select the option to allow amendments. You also select a workflow that will be used for amendments.

    See Setting Up Business License Types.

  • Design the intake form for the amendments application.

    The License Activity display settings on the predefined elements in the intake form determine what information can be entered or updated as part of the amendments application process. For example, you can enable predefined elements such as Business Information and Retail Business Details with fields for the business to fill out.

    See Configuring Activity Filtering for Business Licenses.