Subject Areas and Business Questions

This topic describes how business questions form the basis of your subject areas and analytics.

Subject areas are designed around business questions. All analytics are built from subject areas. So whether you're creating your own analytics, or modifying the analytics that come with your Public Sector applications, you first want to figure out what questions you want answered.

Here are some examples of subject areas and the business questions they can answer.

Subject Area Name

Example Business Questions

Public Sector Cloud - Permits Real Time

  • What is the busiest time for permit applications?

  • When does the agency issue the most permits?

  • What is the total permit activity by permit type in a given period?

Public Sector Cloud - Permit Inspection Activity Real Time

  • What is the workload distribution across all inspections?

  • What are the primary reasons for major inspection violations?

  • What is the total demand for inspections in a given period?

Public Sector Cloud - Plan Review Real Time

  • How long on average are plan review cycles?

  • How many plan review cycles on average are needed for an application?

  • How many plan reviews had override decisions?