Working with Permit Conditions of Approval

Conditions of approval are restrictive requirements and terms that are applied to project applications such as permits and planning applications. Regulatory agencies enforce such conditions at various stages of the development life cycle to ensure project compliance with the regional laws.

Managing conditions of approval consists of applying conditions through transactions, reviewing, and resolving them based on the compliance criteria defined at specific stages of the project development time line.

Security Details for Working with Permit Conditions of Approval

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to working with permit conditions of approval.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Permits Conditions of Approval Management

Apply and resolve conditions of approval on permits that are not closed.

PSC Inspections Supervisor

PSC Geographical Information System Administrator

PSC Finance Administrator

PSC Economic Development Officer

PSC Chief Building Officer

PSC Cashier

PSC Business Analyst

PSC Building Inspector

PSC System Administrator

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Planning Coordinator

PSC Plan Reviewer

PSC Permits Supervisor

PSC System Administrator

PSC Permit Technician

For more information on creating roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing, see Creating Custom Roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

Viewing the Conditions of Approval

The permit activity summary on the Overview page shows a graphical representation of the status of the conditions of approval that were applied at various stages of the project time line. The various stages of the project are determined by the compliance period set up by the agency. You can click each dial to drill down to the details of the conditions applied for the specific compliance period.

  1. Navigate to Permits > Permits or click the Permits tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page, click the row for a selected permit to open the Overview page.

  3. On the Overview page, review details of conditions of approval in the Conditions of Approval section:

    Page Element


    Status Dial

    Review the status of the conditions:

    • The number in the center of the dial shows the number of applied conditions.

    • The colored section represents the resolved conditions. The complete dial changes to green color when all applied conditions are resolved,

    • <Number> Resolved: The number of resolved conditions.

    Click the dial to open the Conditions of Approval page, which lists all the conditions applied to the permit for the specific compliance period.

    Others <number>

    Review the number of additional conditions applied.

    Apply New

    Click to open the Related Transactions page and then link transactions through which you apply conditions of approval to your permit. See the next section for more details.

Applying Conditions of Approval

As an agency staff such as a permit technician, you apply the conditions of approval to your permit through related transactions linking. After linking the planning applications that contain the conditions you require, you access the list of conditions and select the ones that must apply to your permit. Each of the selected conditions applied to the planning application will map itself to your permit and spread across the stages of permit development life cycle – based on the compliance period specified by the agency planner.

To apply conditions of approval:

  1. Navigate to Permits > Permits or click the Permits tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page, click the row for a selected permit to open the Overview page.

  3. In the Conditions of Approval section, click Apply Conditions of Approval to open the Related Transactions page for the permit.

  4. On the Related Transactions page, click the Link button to open the Link Transaction page.

  5. The Link Transactions page lists only the applications that are active for the selected property. Use the check boxes to select the planning applications that have the conditions of approval needed for your permit.

  6. Click Add Selected. The Link Transaction page closes and the Related Transactions page now lists the newly linked transactions. Transactions of the type Manual as well as Automatic are listed. For information about transactions sourced manually and automatically, see Working with Related Transactions.

  7. Click the Actions menu for the application record from which you want to apply conditions and select Apply Conditions of Approval.

  8. On the Conditions of Approval page, review the following details:

    • The planning application to which the conditions are applied.

    • The planner assigned to the application.

    • The list of active conditions of approval, each of their compliance period, and a switch to select for applying to the permit.

    Use the switch to individually select the conditions you want to apply to your permit. Select the Apply All switch to apply all the conditions listed. Click Save to close the page and apply the selected conditions.

  9. The Related Transactions page shows the updated record with a status of Conditions applied. You can click the link to reopen the Apply Conditions page.

    The Conditions of Approval section in the Overview page now shows the distribution of the applied conditions over the project development time line. Permit technicians can review and resolve them as needed.

Resolving Conditions of Approval

Agency staff such as a permit technician review the conditions applied to their assigned permit application and update or resolve them after the project inspection.

To resolve conditions of approval:

  1. Navigate to Permits > Permits or click the Permits tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page, click the row for a selected permit to open the Overview page.

  3. In the Conditions of Approval section, click the dial corresponding to the project stage at which the conditions exist. The Conditions of Approval page opens.

  4. The page lists all the applied conditions. Each condition provides the source, a switch to resolve the condition, and a field to enter resolution comments. Select the conditions you want to resolve and enter your comments.

    To select all the applied conditions, select the Resolve All switch.

  5. Click Save to close the page and resolve the selected conditions. The dials are now updated to represent portions of resolved conditions along with the number of resolved conditions.