Creating General Information Forms for Business Licenses

This topic describes how to create a General Information intake form for your General Information transaction type. This applies only if you are allowing applicants to select multiple business license types to be combined into a single intake form to streamline the application process.

Completing Prerequisites

Before you create the General Information intake form section, you need to have first created a General Information business license type, just as you would any other business license. There are two parts to the transaction type: the business license type and the intake form.

Setting up single intake for multiple license types involves these tasks:



1) Set up General Information for Business License types

Setting Up General Information for Business License Types

2) Create General Information forms for business licenses

This topic.

3) Enable selecting multiple business license types on the Apply page

Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Business Licenses

Creating a General Information Form Design

This documentation assumes you are familiar with the Intake Form Designer and creating intake forms. You use the same steps to create a General Information intake form design as you would any other intake form.

To create a General Information section:

  1. After creating the prerequisite General Information business license type, click Design Form on the Business License Type page.
  2. Add the field groups, group boxes, and rich text areas required.
  3. Save and publish your General Information form design.
  4. Return to the Business License Type page and set Status to Ready.
    Note: When you publish a typical intake form, you also set the Public User Enabled field, this setting is not available for General Information transaction types. The General Information type can be accessed only within the single intake form construct. It can't be accessed on its own.

General Information Section Considerations

When creating a General Information intake form, you'll notice you have a limited number of elements, options, and features you can incorporate into form designs. You are working with a subset of elements and features, with no new options added for General Information forms.

When creating General Information forms, you can't:

  • Add Groovy business logic.
  • Implement control display (conditional display).
  • Set up versioning.
  • Configure fee estimates.
  • Specify form options, such as disabling the review page or setting a confirmation step.
  • Set elements to be hidden from the public or confidential.
  • Test single intake forms in sandbox mode.

The following table lists what you can add to a General Information form and any considerations.

Intake Form Element


Field Groups

You can add these field groups to a General Information form design:

  • Applicant (required)
  • Business Details (required)
  • Business Locations (required)
  • Business Owners (required)
  • Contact Details (required)
  • Terms and Conditions (optional)

Each individual business license type must also have the same field groups you include in the General Information form design. At runtime, if a license type is selected to be included in the single intake form, the field group in the General Information form takes the place of the corresponding field group in the license types, and data entered within the General Information section gets stored in each individual business license type record.

Note: When the list of contacts is in the general information, contractor contacts that are added in the contractor section appear in the list of all contacts only after application submittal. This applies only to the origination application.

Terms and Conditions

Adding Terms and Conditions is optional.

You can add a unified Terms and Conditions if it applies to all your business license types. Otherwise, don't include the Terms and Conditions field group in the General Information form design, but add it separately to all business licenses.

If you include the Terms and Conditions in the General Information form:

  • Each license type must also contain the Terms and Conditions field group.
  • It's recommended to add the Terms and Conditions field group to its own page, where it is the only element on the page.


Same as a typical intake form, you select the field group, field, or group box, and the available options appear in the Elements panel.

Note: If you set a field group field to be required in the General Information form design, you should also set it to be required in all of the business license type forms as well so that the data collected is consistent across all of your intake forms.

View Form

You can view the origination version of the form. Single intake forms support origination only.

User-defined fields

You can add rich text area fields for informational text.


You an add group boxes to contain fields and field groups as needed.


In your development environment, sandbox testing is not supported for single intake forms. For single intake forms, all license type form designs and the General Information form design must be published at least once. The single intake form includes the latest published version of the intake forms.