Managing Intake Form Performance

This topic describes the options available for improving the runtime performance of your intake forms.

Updating Intake Form Cache

To improve performance of the initial loading of intake forms and confirm your intake forms are including the most recent updates, you must schedule a set of delivered Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS) jobs to run on a regular basis. These jobs ensure that the latest metadata is available for your runtime intake forms. Intake form metadata needs to be updated for a variety of reasons including upgrades, updates, patches, as well as your own intake form updates migrated from your development and test environment.

Warning: If you don't maintain the metadata cache with the delivered ESS jobs, applicants accessing intake forms may experience performance degradation as new updates are added to the cache when a form is accessed, or they may observe a mismatch between elements in the case and elements in the database.

To run the intake form metadata cache management ESS jobs:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance from the Navigator menu or by entering it in Page Finder.

  2. On the Functional Setup Manager page, select Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.

  3. Click Schedule New Process.

  4. On the Schedule New Process dialog, select Job, and select one of these jobs to run (individually):

    1. Invalidate Intake Form Metadata Cache Job

    2. Build Intake Form Metadata Cache Job

    Note: To locate the jobs in ESS, click the search icon to the right of the Name field, click Search at the bottom of the drop-down list, enter describe in the Name field and click Search.
  5. On the Process Details page, click Advanced, and select Using a schedule on the Schedule tab.

    It is recommended to run these jobs regularly during a known period of relative down-time or low system usage, such as every Sunday night.

    Tip: Schedule the Invalidate Intake Form Metadata Cache job to run first, allowing enough time for it to complete prior to running the Build Intake Form Metadata Cache job.
  6. Click Submit.