Publishing Intake Forms

This topic describes the steps to complete to publish intake forms.

You need to publish intake forms in order to:

  • Clone intake forms and transaction types.

  • Migrate intake forms from a source environment to a target environment, such as when migrating from the test environment to the production environment.

Before you publish an intake form, it is highly recommended that you ensure it is thoroughly tested in sandbox mode.

For more information on testing options, see Testing Intake Forms.


Intake forms in draft status can’t be cloned or migrated.

To publish a form:

  1. Confirm that you have saved and tested all changes made to your form.

  2. In the Intake Form Designer, click Publish.

  3. Navigate to the Transaction Type page:

    To navigate to the Transaction Type page for the offering, such as the Permit Type page for Permits.

  4. On the Transaction Type page, open the appropriate transaction type, and set these values:

    • Transaction Type Status: Ready

    • Public User Enabled: Enabled for all users or Enabled for registered users.

    • Specify any related definitions required for your transaction type, such as workflow process definitions, fee schedules, and so on.

  5. Click Save.


After publishing a transaction type application, the application may not be accessible immediately. It can take several minutes to apply the most recent changes and transfer the application from the sandbox to the live runtime system.