Testing Intake Forms

This topic describes the methods and considerations involved with testing your application intake forms.

You design, create, and test application forms on your development or test environment. Depending on what you have licensed, you may have a combined development and test environment, or you may have a separate development and test environment.

You can test forms using these options:

  • View Form feature

  • Sandbox mode

Once your forms have been created and thoroughly tested, you then migrate the newly created forms to your production system for public user access.

Using View Form

Select the View Form menu in the Intake Form Designer to launch the:

  • Runtime view of the intake form.

  • Simplified fee estimate view.

For more information on simplified fee estimates, see Configuring Simplified Fee Estimates.

Depending on the type of form you are designing, the options in the View Form menu differ. For example, for Permits, Planning and Zoning, and Code Enforcement, you select View Form to launch the runtime. For Business Licenses, select Origination to launch items filtered for that view of the form.

The View Form option opens the form design in a separate browser tab and provides the full runtime behavior, which includes all the ability to:

  • Add input.

  • Save.

  • Submit.

  • Run Groovy validations and logic.

  • Test Control Display.


For Business Licenses, the Amendment and Renewal runtime views are not available using the View Form menu. Those views will need to be accessed and tested from the landing page.

Note: Disable the pop-up blocker on your browser so this feature can display the runtime form design.

Enabling Sandbox Mode Testing

You can test your intake form thoroughly in scenarios public users will encounter while the form design is still in the draft state within the sandbox. Testing in sandbox mode enables you to fully test and interact with the intake form without having to publish it. For example, you can:

  • Access the intake form from the landing page in the same way public users will.

  • Run any data validations or business logic while filling out the form.

  • Engage process automation definitions associated with the intake form, such as workflow and fee models.

  • Test the other processes involved in the entire lifecycle of the permit, such as approvals, inspections, and so on.

To enable sandbox mode testing:

  1. Save your intake form.

  2. Return to the Transaction Type page for your offering, such as the Permit Type page.

  3. Open the transaction type associated with the intake form you want to test.

  4. Set Status to Ready.

  5. Set the Public User Enabled to either Enabled for all users or Enabled for registered users.

  6. Specify any other required definitions related to the intake form, such as workflow process definitions, fee schedules, and so on.


    You need to update your workflow definitions to allow access from a transaction type within a sandbox. The workflow process definitions need an additional integration implemented called the Sandbox Connector. For more information on updating workflow definitions for sandbox testing, see Setting Up the Sandbox Connector.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Configure security for user IDs you intend to use for sandbox testing.

    When testing in sandbox mode, the user IDs you use to access the landing page and the intake forms require additional security roles.


    Access Description

    PSC Custom Sandbox Access (CUSTOM_SANDBOX_ACCESS)

    You create this role during implementation, and it enables access to definitions that exist within a sandbox. User IDs without this role can access published transaction types only.

    This role should be used only in non-production environments, such as the development or the test environment.

    For more information on setting up this role, see Creating Custom Roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.


The data you enter and save during testing on your development and/or testing environments remains in the underlying database tables after the form is migrated to the production system.

Migrating Application Forms Between Environments

After you have completed your testing of the application form on the development or the test environment, you can publish the intake form. To migrate an intake form from the current environment to another environment, the intake form must be published.


Intake forms in draft status are ignored by the migration process.

For more information on publishing forms, see Publishing Intake Forms.

To migrate data from a source environment to a target environment, follow the procedure in Functional Setup Manager for migrating transaction type metadata and intake form layout metadata.

For more information on migrating definitions between environments, see Managing Transaction Type Configurations.