Setting Up NAICS Groups

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) groups are subsets of NAICS codes.

The NAICS group associated with a business license type determines which NAICS codes are available to select when applying for a business license. You add, modify, and delete NAICS groups on the NAICS Group page.

Adding NAICS Groups

  1. Select Common Setup > NAICS Group.

  2. On the NAICS Group page, click Add.

  3. On the NAICS Code Details page, enter values for the following:

    Page Element


    NAICS Group ID

    Enter the unique identifier for the group.

    NAICS Group

    Enter a name for the group.


    Enter a description for the group.

  4. Turn on the Enabled switch to make the group available on other pages. The switch is turned off by default for new NAICS groups.

  5. To add NAICS codes to the group:

    1. In the NAICS Code grid, click Add.

    2. Select the code that you want to add in the NAICS Code column.

      If you want to view a list of available NAICS codes, click NAICS Code to access the NAICS Code page.

    3. Turn on the Enabled switch to enable the code for the group. The switch is turned off by default for added codes.

  6. Click Save.

Modifying NAICS Groups

  1. Select Common Setup > NAICS Group.

  2. On the NAICS Group page, select the NAICS group that you want to modify.

  3. On the NAICS Group Details page you can:

    • Edit the description.

    • Enable or disable the NAICS group using the Enabled switch.

      Disabled NAICS groups can’t be selected in the prompt list for a business license type.


      The enabled codes associated with a disabled group continue to be available to select for business license applications.

    • Add, delete, enable, or disable the NAICS codes associated with the group.

      A disabled code can no longer be selected for a business license application.

    • Delete the NAICS group. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting NAICS Groups

  1. Select Common Setup > NAICS Group.

  2. Click Select Multiple.

  3. Select the check boxes next to all the NAICS groups that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.