Copying an Application

Agency staff and applicants can copy existing permit, planning applications, or business license applications into new ones using the Copy Application action. You select which attributes to copy from the source application.

Applicants can copy their own applications from the Applications page. Agency staff with the appropriate permissions can copy applications from the License Applications, Permit Applications, Planning Applications, and All Applications list pages.

Here's how to copy an application:

  1. Select the Business License Transactions, Permits, or Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the License Applications, Permit Applications, Planning Applications list page, find the application that you want to copy.

    To copy a consultation application, see Working with Consultation Outcome.

  3. Click the Actions icon button in the row of the application you want to copy.

  4. Select the Copy Application menu option.

  5. On the Copy application drawer, review the details and make any changes to the populated information:

    Page Element


    Copy From

    Displays the application ID and the application type of the source application.


    Use the Increment and Decrement buttons to increase or decrease the number of new copies that you would like to make.

    By default, this is set to 1 copy, and you can select up to 5 copies at once. Agency staff with the appropriate access can change the maximum number of copies that can be created at a time. For details, see Setting Up Agencies.

    Use the Copy To section to enter information for the new copies:

    Page Element


    Expand All, Collapse All

    Click the button to expand or collapse the application information respectively for each copy.


    Click the drop-down list to select a different applicant if you don't want the source applicant to be the applicant for your new application. The source applicant is the default selection.


    Registered public users can't change the applicant.

    Create Applicant

    Click the button to register a new applicant if you don't find the applicant you want in the drop-down list of applicants.

    Application Type (enterable)

    Select the application type for the new application from the drop-down list. The application type from the source application is the default value.


    Review and optionally modify the description of the source application to create the description for the new application.

    Link to <Source Application ID>

    Turn on this switch to link the new application to its source application.

    Delete icon button

    Click the Delete icon button to remove the application from the Copy To list. Each application in the Copy To list has a separate delete icon. Whenever an application is deleted from the Copy To list, the sequence is refreshed and the new count appears in the Copies field.

  6. Use the Copying section to control which information gets copied to the new application.

    The options displayed in this section are determined by the source application type and the new application type.


    Custom fields in the intake form are not controlled by these options. If the new application type is the same as the source application type, then data from custom fields is always copied. Custom data is not copied when the application types are different.

    Page Element


    Application Details

    Select this checkbox to copy application data from predefined field groups other than the ones that are controlled by separate checkboxes (that is, field groups other than property, contacts, contractor, authorized agents, and business information).

    If the new application type is different from the source application type, copying only occurs for sections that exist in both the application types.


    Select this checkbox to copy the contacts from the source application.

    If the new application type doesn’t include the Contacts predefined field group, contact information is not visible in the intake form, but it’s still copied to the new transaction.


    Select this checkbox to copy contractor and authorized agent information from the source application.

    Copying adds the contractor license number to the new application. If the license number exists in the main contractor records, then the rest of the contractor data is pulled from the main records into the new application. If the license number doesn’t exist in the main contractor records, then all data is copied from the source application.

    The authorized agent data indicates if the applicant is an authorized agent for the contractor. The logic for copying this data depends on how the applicant information is handled:

    • If a public user copies an application, and the user’s account profile indicates that the profile is for a contractor, the authorized agent data is copied.

    • If agency staff copies from a planning preapplication to a regular application, the applicant information and authorized agent data is copied.

    • If agency staff copies from a regular application to another regular application, the applicant information is not copied, and therefore the authorized agent data isn’t copied.

    If the new application type doesn’t include the contractor and authorized agent predefined field groups, the data isn't visible in the intake form, but it’s still copied to the new transaction.


    Select this checkbox to copy the property information from the source application.

    If the new application type doesn’t include the Property predefined field group, property information is not visible in the intake form, but it’s still copied to the new transaction.

  7. Click Save.

    A summary page appears that lists all the applications which were copied, and which couldn't be copied. Each application that failed to copy has an Open Application button.. Click the button to open a new application intake form and complete the applications one at a time.

    The copied business license application will be of activity type Origination regardless of the source business application activity type–Amendment or Renewal.

  8. From the Review page, you can take a final look at the application before submitting. You can navigate to each section to enter any missing information and submit the form.

In the new permit or planning application intake form, you can see the information copied from the source application. You can also add further details to the new application. The intake form contains a Fees and Payments section that displays the types of fees and the total fees associated with the new application.

The Contacts section displays the contact information that is copied over from the source permit or planning application. If you selected a new applicant in the Copy To fields, then the contact list in the new application adds the new applicant as the primary contact. If you retained the source applicant, the contact list adds the source applicant as the primary contact. The primary contact has the same application access as the applicant regardless of the access defined for their contact type.