Change Log Updates

This release provides a new pipeline, job, and batch to support loading customer records into stage tables via csv for any given MIS date. This allows the tables to be updated only when a customer has a change. New customers should use these to populate the Customer Change Log. For current KYC CS customers, we continue to support the existing CustomerChangelog batch in order to avoid disrupting existing processes.

Updating customer data only when the profile information is changed ensures improves performance and reduces processing time.

Steps to Enable

  1. Create a new Data Transformation pipeline.
  2. Add an External service widget and configure the widget with the service Customer Change Log with Delta Load.
  3. Add the input parameters as shown:

    Input Parameters

    Input Parameter Name Input Parameter Value
  4. Save the widget and the pipeline.

  5. Configure a job for this new pipeline.

  6. Configure the new change log batch using similar conventions as the existing CustomerChangeLog batch, attaching the newly created batch as mentioned above.

Key Resources