Administer and Maintain Skills in the Item Catalog with Multi-Language Support

Enables customers who are new to Dynamic Skills to administer and maintain skills in the Item Catalog, to provide a curated, up-to-date experience to users in line with business needs.

Provides the following benefits:

  • Predefined skills catalog (Oracle Dynamic Skills Seed Library) to get you started.
  • Multi-language support for skills and skill suggestions.
  • Ability to create, upload, and maintain as many skill catalogs as you need, via the Item Catalog UI and via HDL / HSDL to comprise your skills library.
  • Ability to associate one or more skill catalogs to the Skills Center-subscribed content section, so your users can access curated and approved skills.
  • Use the Library Enrichment Curator to review and approve AI-backed skill enrichment suggestions of skills encountered in your system, to ensure your skills library stays current.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Only customers who haven't deployed the Dynamic Skills AI service in previous releases and don't have any transactions in the Skills Center-subscribed content section can use this feature. 
  • You can't have your content section enabled for LinkedIn profile import. Support for this will be added in a subsequent release.
  • You can add or remove an active item catalog or skills library from the Skills Center content section, based on the following conditions:
    • If you are using AI for skills suggestions, associate at least one active skills catalog with the Skills Center content section.
    • If you are not using AI for skills suggestion, associate at least one active item catalog with the Skills Center content section.
  • Recruiting can’t subscribe to Skills Center content section.
  • Journeys can be subscribed to Skills Center content section only if it’s on Redwood UI.
  • Learning Outcomes can be subscribed to Skills Center content section only if it’s on Redwood UI.
  • In addition to the predefined skills catalog (Oracle Dynamic Skills Seed Library), you can create your own skills library and by associating one or more skills catalogs to the Skills Center content section. You can disable the predefined skills catalog, but can't edit or delete it.
  • For ease of maintenance, we suggest you maintain two skills catalogs at the most at any time.
  • During a transaction, the application displays skills in the users' session language for all item catalogs associated with the Skills Center content section.
  • If you don't find an appropriate skill in the catalog of the content section, you can enter the skill as a free-form text. These skills may subsequently be curated by an item catalog administrator so they can be added to the item catalog as appropriate.
  • For customers who are already using Dynamic Skills prior to this release, an upgrade path will be provided in a subsequent release.
  • You can't use Dynamic Skills if your HCM environment is on a US government pod. Your organization should be outside the healthcare sector, which includes providing clinical services, and businesses involved in healthcare manufacturing and life sciences.