REST Enhancements

The dataLoadDataSets REST resource has been extended with new custom actions to:

  • Get sub process details of the child processes submitted to act on a data set.
  • Initiate the generation of a failed lines file for your data set, or an individual business object within your data set.

Retrieve sub process details: You can now retrieve details of the sub-processes submitted by HCM Data Loader using the subprocesses custom action. This includes the individual multi-threaded process details for importing and loading the data, along with the post-processes submitted after a data set.

Details of the subprocesses custom action and attributes:

 Custom Action

http://:/hcmRestApi/resources/{version}/dataLoadDataSets/{RequestId}/ child/processes /{ProcessId}/subprocesses

 Methods Supported



Provides details of the subprocesses submitted by a specific HCM Data Loader data set process

 Element  Description


Unique identifier of the process record.


Code of the process.


Name of the process.


Process start time.


Process end time.

The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at which the process ended. The value is provided in full ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).


Process running time.

The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at which the process ended. The value is provided in full ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).


Unique identifier of the request.


Status of the process


User name of the user who submitted the process.


Date and time when the process was requested.


Last updated date and time for the process.


User name of the user who last updated the process.

Failed Lines File Generation: You can now initiate the generation of a failed lines file for your data set, or an individual business object within your data set using REST using the generateFailedLinesFile custom action available on both the dataLoadDataSet resource and the businessObjects child resource.

This enhancement enables you to extract and review the files with failed lines for the HDL data sets in error.

Details of the dataLoadDataSets:generateFailedLinesFile custom action, input parameters and Response:

 Custom Action


 Methods Supported



 Submits a process to generate a file of the failed lines and METADATA for the business objects in error.

Input Parameters:

Attribute Name Data Type  Required Default Value Description


String No N

 Indicates if error messages should be included in the generated files. Valid valued are Y and N.

messageLanguage String No Session language Language of the error messages included in the generated file. Defaults to the session language.



Encryption type of the generated dat file. Valid values are NONE, PGPSIGNED, and PGPUNSIGNED.



If fileEncryption!=NONE  

Encryption key to use when encrypting the failed lines file. Specify the name of a valid PGP certificate,

other than fusion-key.


 Attribute Name  Data Type  Description
 Status  String  The status of the request - SUCCESS or ERROR.
 RequestId  Integer  The identifier of the submitted request.



The content ID that identifies the generated file on the Oracle WebCenter. The file is placed in the hcm$/dataloader$/export$ folder.




Error message or information.

Details of the dataLoadDataSets/businessObjects:generateFailedLinesFile custom action, input parameters and Response: 

 Custom Action


 Methods Supported



Submits a process to generate a file of the failed lines and METADATA for the business object.

Input Parameters:

Attribute Name Data Type Required Default Value Description


String No N

 Indicates if error messages should be included in the generated files. Valid valued are Y and N.

messageLanguage String No Session language

Language of the error messages included in the generated file. Defaults to the session language.




Encryption type of the generated dat file. Valid values are NONE, PGPSIGNED, and PGPUNSIGNED.



If fileEncryption!=NONE  

Encryption key to use when encrypting the failed lines file. Specify the name of a valid PGP certificate,

other than fusion-key.


 Attribute Name  Data Type  Description
 Status  String  The status of the request - SUCCESS or ERROR.
 RequestId  Integer  The identifier of the submitted request.



The content ID that identifies the generated file on the Oracle WebCenter. The file is placed in the hcm$/dataloader$/export$ folder.




Error message or information.

Steps to Enable

Review the REST service definition in the REST API guides to leverage (available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > APIs & Schema). If you are new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

Set up access to the HCM Data Loader REST API using the steps listed in the Configure Access to HCM Data Loader tutorial.

Use the HCM Data Loader REST API tutorial to execute the REST API action.