Additional Filter of Legal Employer on Redwood Jobs Search Page

We have added a new filter called Legal Employers for This Job on the Redwood Jobs search page. This filter helps you to additionally filter the search results for a job, based on the selected legal employer.

My Client Groups > Show More > Under the Workforce Structures section, click the Jobs option. On the Jobs Redwood search page, click the Filters filter chip to see the advanced filters.

Filter Jobs by Legal Employer 

Filter Jobs by Legal Employer 

Click Legal Employers for This Job, and then click the Legal Employers field. A list of values is displayed. These are the various legal employers associated with the job. You can also see the aggregate counts in brackets next to each legal employer, denoting the number of records.

Legal Employers Associated With the Job

Legal Employers Associated With the Job

Select the legal employer by which you want to filter the search results and click See Results.

Let's suppose you have associated the legal employer Vision Corporation with the Assistant Trainer job. Then you can see the Assistant Trainer job on the Jobs search page.

Search Results Displayed After Applying Legal Employer Filter

Search Results Displayed After Applying Legal Employer Filter

Similarly, if you select another legal employer, you can see all the jobs associated with that legal employer.

This feature is useful when multiple legal employers are associated with a job, and you want to view the jobs only for a specific legal employer.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

When you’re creating or updating a new job, in the Additional info extensible flexfield, the Legal Employers That Use This Job context isn’t currently supported in the Redwood UI. If you click +Add in the Legal Employers That Use This Job context on the Redwood UI, you won’t be able to see the list of values. In the meantime, you can use the responsive UIs or HDL to associate a legal employer with a job.