Associate Outcomes to Update Employee Talent Profile on Journey Completion
You can now configure to automatically update the person's talent profile when they complete an assigned career development journey. For example, if you associate skills and qualifications with the career development journey template and enable the Write to person profile on completion option, the person can view the journey outcome in their talent profile after they complete the assigned career development journey.
The contents are displayed only if it meets the following conditions:
The content section has Journey Outcomes configured as one of the subscribers.
The user has access to the content section.
The Journey Templates setup page is not specific to any person. Therefore, it's recommended that you only fill the mandatory attributes for each of the content items that you add.
The skills and qualifications associated with a career development journey are automatically updated in a worker’s talent profile.
Steps to Enable
For information about enabling and using talent profiles, see the Using Enhanced Talent Profiles guide on Oracle Help Center.
Tips And Considerations
The Relationships tab is displayed only for journey templates of category Career Development.
Currently, only Grow is available as the Relationship Usage value.
The Write to person profile on completion configuration option is available only on the Redwood Journeys setup pages.
The journey outcome is updated in the person's profile when the assigned journey has been completed by the person. The journey must be completed according to the journey completion criteria, for example, all required tasks need to be completed.
The talent profile is updated only for the person to whom the journey is assigned and has completed it. Other actors in the journey don’t receive the journey outcome in their talent profiles. The talent profiles for other actors in the journey isn’t updated.
Key Resources
For more information about journeys, refer to the Implementing and Using Journeys guide on Oracle Help Center.
Associate Skills and Qualifications with Career Development Journey Templates feature in 24C Global Human Resources What's New.
Access Requirements
You must be granted the Manage Journey (ORA_PER_MANAGE_JOURNEY_TEMPLATE) aggregate privilege to work on journey templates.