Enhancements to the Skills Library Enrichment Advisor Process

The Skills Library Enrichment advisor can now be configured to automatically approve skills or set skills to be manually reviewed based on a confidence score. Additionally, you can select the Skills item catalog to which AI skill suggestions will be added.

When this process is run, Oracle AI reads your existing skills library, understands your organization’s skills and qualifications requirements, and suggests new skills based on an analysis of these requirements. Each skill suggestion is assigned a confidence score based on the relevancy of the skill to your organization.

You can set a confidence score threshold, which allows any skills that receive a score of this value or higher to be automatically added to your designated Skills item catalog without your review. You can also set a confidence score threshold which allows any skill receiving a score above this value, but below the approval score value, to be added to your Skills item catalog in a ‘Needs Review’ status. Note that skills in this status are only visible to catalog administrators, giving them the ability to review these items either in Microsoft Excel or in catalog management.  Any skills that are below the level of the ‘Needs Review’ threshold won’t get added for any review.

You can now use these configuration options when running this process:

  • Specify the confidence score thresholds for automatically approving skills and for manually reviewing them.
  • Specify the Skills item catalog to which you want to add the AI skill suggestions.

To configure and run this process:

  1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Advisor Processes.
  2. From the Add menu, select Skills Library Enrichment.
  3. Enter a name and description for the process.
  4. Specify the confidence score values to filter skills for your review and for auto-approval. If you don’t specify any confidence score value, you’ll need to review all skill suggestions manually.
  5. In the Default content item value set field, select the Skills item catalog to which the skill suggestions must be added.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Select the process and click Run Process.
  8. When the process completes, click Download and Update. This downloads a Microsoft Excel workbook where skill suggestions are added by Oracle AI.

Skills Library Enrichment Process

Skills Library Enrichment Process

To review the Microsoft Excel workbook and upload the skills to your Skills item catalog:

  1. Review the skills that you want to add or remove and change the approval status in the Curation Status column accordingly.
  2. You can also choose a different catalog in the Item Catalog Name column.
  3. On the Oracle Visual Builder tab in the Microsoft Excel plug-in, click Upload Changes.

To verify whether the skills are added to the Skills item catalog:

  1. On the My Client Groups > Profiles page, click Item Catalogs.
  2. From the Actions menu (displayed as three dots) next to your Skills item catalog, select View and Edit Content Items. You’ll see the skills that were auto approved as well as manually approved.

This new process leverages the power of Oracle AI to enrich your skills library according to your business needs and provides greater flexibility in curating skill suggestions.

Steps to Enable

Here are the prerequisite steps to run this process:

  1. Create a Skills item catalog:
    1. On the My Client Groups > Profiles page, click Item Catalogs.
    2. Create an item catalog with the template type as Skill and set it to active.
  2. Associate the Skills item catalog with the Skills Center content section:
    1. On the My Client Groups > Profiles page, click Profile Types.
    2. Edit the Person profile type.
    3. In the Content Section area, edit Skill Center.
    4. In the Content Section Properties area, edit the Skill item value set.
    5. From the Value Set Name list, select the Skills item catalog you created in step 1 and apply the changes.

Note: Before you can review the Excel workbook, you need to download and install the Desktop Integration Installer tool from Navigator > Tools.

Key Resources

For more information on content sections and skill catalogs, see these topics in the Using Common Features for HCM guide on Oracle Help Center:

Access Requirements

To view this process, an administrator needs to have the functional security privilege, WLF_MANAGE_BULK_SKILLS_LIBRARY_ENRICHMENT.