Recommending Trending Learning Items

You can now automate recommendations to workers for learning that is trending with others in their role, their careers of interest, and with their managers and peers.  Similar to the recommendations for popular items, trending considers voluntary assignments completed in the last week only, whereas the popular recommendations consider learning completed in the last 6 months. This trending lets you keep people's Learning and the Grow recommendation feeds fresh on a weekly basis.

Trending recommendations appear in these new recommendation categories for learners to easily identify:

  • Trending in my role
  • Trending in my career interests
  • Trending with manager and peers

You can select these new recommenders when creating recommendation profiles.

This feature lets you drive more learning engagement with minimal manual effort.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Trending recommendations are supported when the 24D Audiences for Role Gaps and Popular Recommenders feature is enabled.

Key Resources

For more information about creating recommendation profiles, see the 24D release What's New: Audiences for Role Gaps and Popular Recommenders.