Integration of Recognitions and Awards with Touchpoints

The Recognition and Award features of Oracle Celebrate are now integrated with Touchpoints. These replace the existing Celebrate Event feature and offer additional options to award and recognize employees for their achievements and milestones. 

Recognition programs can be created by the Administrator to appreciate employees and celebrate milestones such as birthdays and work anniversaries, while award programs can be created for celebrating key achievements. For more details on creating recognition and award programs, see Create Programs. When these programs are created, they are available in Oracle Celebrate as well as Touchpoints.

Managers can send awards and recognitions by navigating to My Team > Touchpoints and selecting an employee from the Employees tab. The Actions menu on the employee’s Touchpoints page now displays two options – Recognize and Send Award, instead of Celebrate Event.

Recognize and Send Awards from Employee’s Touchpoints Page

Recognize and Send Awards from the Employee’s Touchpoints Page

Recognition programs are usually configured to promote your organization’s cultural values, as shown here:

Send a Note of Appreciation

Send a Note of Appreciation

Recognitions appear on the employee’s Events and Interactions timeline as soon as they are sent.

Awards may go through an approval process through the management hierarchy, if approval rules are configured by the Administrator. When the awards are approved, the employee receives them and they also appear in the Events and Interactions timeline of the employee’s Touchpoints page.

Send a Note of Appreciation

Send Award

NOTE: If there are existing Celebration events displayed on the Events and Interactions timeline, they will continue to be displayed until the timeline period is over. You can click them to view the details on the drawer panel.

A line manager can send awards and recognitions to their direct and indirect reports. However, a matrix manager can’t send awards or recognitions to their dotted-line reports.

Employees can send recognitions to other employees or managers from the Actions menu on Me > Touchpoints. However, they can’t send awards.

Managers will continue to receive nudges to recognize employees for their birthdays, work anniversaries, and for completing a goal early. These nudges will now display Recognize instead of Celebrate Event.

Interaction Analytics

These analytics on the manager’s Touchpoints Summary page, which earlier included celebration events as interactions, are now updated to reflect awards and recognitions instead:

  • Team - Average Interactions: This includes the following interactions that have occurred in the last 90 days in a manager’s team:
    • Recognitions received by all the direct reports and dotted line reports of the manager
    • Awards received by all the direct reports of the manager
  • Organization – Average Interactions: This includes the following interactions that have occurred in the last 90 days in the organization:
    • Recognitions received by all the direct, indirect, and dotted line reports of all managers in the organization
    • Awards received by all the direct reports and indirect reports of all managers in the organization

Integrating Celebrate features with Touchpoints offers a seamless experience across both products and brings additional capabilities to Touchpoints to recognize and reward employees.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • Any recognitions or awards sent from Touchpoints will not be stored in the Touchpoints Celebration Events database table anymore. They will be stored in the HCM Celebrate tables instead.
  • To be able to send recognitions or awards from Touchpoints, the requirements are the same as for HCM Celebrate:
    • At least one recognition or award program needs to exist.
    • The recipient of the recognition or award program needs to be eligible to the program.
  • Awards and recognitions sent from the Celebrate application will also reflect in the employee’s Events and Interactions timeline. Similarly, any award or recognition sent from Touchpoints will be visible in Celebrate.
  • Data conversion is not supported from older Touchpoints Celebration Events to Celebrate recognition and awards data.

Key Resources

Refer to the Customer Connect post announcing this feature change.

For more information on Oracle Celebrate, see these topics on Oracle Help Center:

Access Requirements

Managers and employees need to have the same user roles and privileges as Oracle Celebrate to access these features in Touchpoints.

They need to have the Access HCM Celebrate Manager Dashboard privilege (CEL_ACCESS_MANAGER_DASHBOARD_PRIV) for accessing the award feature and the Access HCM Celebrate Social Feed privilege (CEL_ACCESS_SOCIAL_FEED_PRIV) for accessing the recognition feature.