One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Override Accounting Date Using Transfer to Subledger Accounting Process

You can now control the date that's used by the Transfer to Subledger Accounting process to transfer payroll costs to the general ledger. Use the new Accounting Date Override parameter to enter the date that's to be used for the payroll costs included in the transfer to subledger process. This date also overrides the accounting date entered as a parameter for the following processes: Transfer to General Ledger, Reversal and Balance Adjustment.

For example, you want your salary arrears of July 2024 to be paid on August 31, 2024, and the costs for the salary arrears to be posted in the August accounting period. To meet this requirement, you can enter 31-AUG-2024 as the Accounting Date Override to ensure the July salary arrears are properly posted in the August accounting period.

Override Accounting Date using Transfer to Subledger Accounting Process feature allows you to transfer previous period costing results to an accounting period of your choice.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the Administering Global Payroll Costing guide in the Oracle Help Center.