Enhancements to Qualification Report

This feature provides enhancements to the Qualification Report. The following improvements have been made:

  • In the Header table, a Partial Credit Allowed field is added, indicating whether the trade agreement is flagged to allow partial originating credit of a component.
  • In the Formula(s) table, all formulae used in the calculations are displayed.
  • In the Item Structure Component Analysis table:
    • A new RVC % column is added to reflect the regional value content percentage of each component.
    • The name of the Originating column is changed to Member Nation to indicate whether the country of origin is a member nation of the trade agreement.
    • The columns have been re-ordered to display information such as COO, Member Nation, and Qualified together.

Qualification Report

Qualification Report

This feature provides better visibility to qualification information that is important to users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information on partial credit for originating content, please see the 'Accumulating Originating Content from Non-originating Purchased Goods' topic in this document.