New Property for Prorate RPLS Empty Parameter Weight

This feature enables you to indicate if the restricted party screening engine should use prorating of the empty parameter weight in the logic by setting the gtm.rpls.prorateEmptyParameterWeight property. Previously this was configured using the Optional Feature called PRORATE RPLS EMPTY PARAMETER WEIGHT. When the property is set to 'true', GTM can better support scenarios where data is missing on the party or the restricted party.

To provide continued flexibility in determining the use of prorating in the logic, the optional feature has been removed and replaced with a GTM property. The default value for the property is 'false'. For existing customers who have already set the optional feature to TRUE/enabled, the value of the property is set to 'true' to ensure restricted party screening continues to function as expected.  

This enhancement provides you with flexibility and continuity in configuring restricted party screening. When enabled, this feature can assist with reducing false positives reducing user's workload resolving matches from restricted party screening.

Steps to Enable

If you want to take advantage of prorating and have not previously set the Optional Feature called PRORATE RPLS EMPTY PARAMETER WEIGHT to TRUE/Enabled, you can set the gtm.rpls.prorateEmptyParameterWeight property to 'true'.

Key Resources

For more information on prorating your empty parameter weight in restricted party screening, please refer to:

  • GTM How To/Configuration Topic called Restricted Party Screening > Screening Restricted Parties > Party Screening
  • 22C What's New topic called 'Prorate RPLS Empty Parameter Weight'