New Property for Use Country of Import Export Direct Field

This feature enables you to take advantage of the Country of Import and Country of Export fields on the trade transaction and trade transaction line by setting the gtm.transaction.useCountryOfImportExportDirectField property. Previously this was configured using the Optional Feature called USE COUNTRY OF IMPORT EXPORT DIRECT FIELD. When the property is set to 'true', GTM uses the direct fields on the UI instead of deriving the country of import and country of export from the involved party qualifiers on the trade transaction and trade transaction line.

To provide continued flexibility in using the Country of Import and Country of Export fields, the optional feature has been removed and replaced with a GTM property. The default value of the property is 'false'. For existing customers who have already set the optional feature to TRUE/enabled, the value of the property is set to 'true' to ensure GTM continues to function as expected.

This enhancement provides you with flexibility and continuity in identifying data on trade transactions and trade transaction lines, allowing you to tailor the system to the data that you have available.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

For more information on the country of import and country of export fields, please refer to the 22A What's New topic called 'USE COUNTRY OF IMPORT EXPORT DIRECT FIELD'.