Prefer Classification Code over Code GID

This optional feature, when enabled, provides the ability to use the new CLASSIFICATION CODE column added to GTM objects instead of deriving the classification code from the Product Classification Code GID. This enhancement does not change the user interface or results of the actions. The following Item, Trade Transaction and/or Declaration actions support the new column:

Item Actions

  • Apply Item Template
  • Apply Product Classification Template
  • Assign Item Classification
  • Classify Item
  • Create Campaign
  • Tariff Eligibility Screening
  • Update Product Classification

Trade Transaction and/or Declaration Actions (may also be available on Transaction Line and/or Declaration Line)

  • Lookup Product Classification
  • Lookup Trade Program 
  • Qualify for Trade Agreement
  • Create/Add to Existing Declarations
  • Convert UOMs
  • Estimate Duty & Taxes
  • Assign License
  • Assign License Show Options
  • Reevaluate License

This is a foundational capability that will help deliver further features enabling direct editing / in-line editing of product classification data, significantly reducing data entry workload for some users.

Steps to Enable

Set the Optional Feature called 'PREFER CLASSIFICATION CODE OVER CODE GID' to TRUE/enabled. Access via Configuration and Administration > Property Management > Optional Features.

NOTE: Only the DBA.ADMIN user can access and use Optional Features.

Tips And Considerations

  • When the Optional Feature is not enabled, GTM derives the classification code from the Product Classification Code GID.
  • For existing customers, the Optional Feature is set to FALSE/not enabled. For new customers, the Optional Feature is set to TRUE/enabled.
  • This feature does not impact the user interface or results of the actions.
  • The addition of this field enables GTM to support more complex use cases in the future.

Key Resources

For more information about the new CLASSIFICATION_CODE column which impacts this optional feature, please refer to the What's New Topic called 'New Classification Code Column Added to Certain GTM Tables' in this document.