Loading Point – Single Ship Unit – SPA Priority for Equipment

This feature is an extension of the 24B SPA feature for Market Share.  It fills in the logic gap where SPA tries to build the most efficient shipments for the allocation strategies that have been configured.  The logic was modified so that a large coil that can only be transported on a heavy duty truck will have priority for that truck, regardless of candidate shipments with multiple coils that have a better utilization.  

Single Coils - Capacity Limited

Single Coils - Capacity Limited

This enhancement is needed to support the transport of large coils with existing optimization logic. 

Steps to Enable

A new Parameter in Service Provider Assignment (SPA) must be configured.  SPA CONSTRAINED ORDER EQUIPMENT TYPE PROFILE.   The parameter is also the "master switch" for the logic as well as the equipment constraints.   The Equipment Type profile to be specified is one or more heavy duty equipment types that are compatible with the "special" ship unit to be shipped.   There can be more than one "bracket" of heavy duty equipment.    Please remember that shipment construction uses the Equipment Group and SPA used the Equipment Type.  It is highly recommended that there be only one Equipment Type for one Equipment Group.