SMD Optimize Ship Unit Count Reduction

This Optional Feature is provided as a safety net to preserve legacy behavior in scenarios where SMD is used to reduce order counts with the intention of removing partial shipments in scenarios where OTM has created a full and partial shipment.  For example, given an order with 27 ship units which results in a full 25 ship unit shipment and a partial shipment with 2 units, with this Optional Feature enabled, and an update sent to reduce the quantity by 2 ship units,  the logic will now reduce the partial portion (with 2 ship units) and remove the extra Shipment Equipment and Shipment vs reducing the quantity on the full shipment.

This Optional Feature, when enabled will optimize ship unit count reduction by minimizing the number of ship units left in a shipment.

Steps to Enable

To take advantage of this feature - you will need to do the following:

  1. Verify that the SMD OPTIMIZE SHIP UNIT COUNT REDUCTIOND feature is Opted In - Opted In value is set to True in your environment.
  • Go to the Optional Feature UI - Configuration and Administration > Property Management > Optional Features.

NOTE: Only the DBA.ADMIN user can access and use the Optional Features page. 

  • Search for and select the ESMD OPTIMIZE SHIP UNIT COUNT REDUCTION feature.
  • If the feature is currently Opted Out (Opted In = False) you will want to run the Opt In Action for the feature.