Shipment Actual Processing

This feature simplifies the transactions required in Shipment Actuals processing for scenarios where you have multiple parallel shipments and the Shipment Actuals Process is used to correctly update the set of shipments with the orders that were loading onto these shipments.  With this feature, you are now able to update your Shipment Actuals for an order using a single transaction that essentially moves the order to the shipment it is on without having to first unassign and then assign the order to it's planned shipment.  The new logic will now handle removing the order from the originally planned shipment as part of the actuals update..

Previously, this process required two Shipment Actual transactions, one transaction was required to remove the order from the original planned shipment and a second transaction was required to place the order into the the order into the shipment it was loaded onto.

This feature simplifies the process of updating your shipment actuals in situations where you have multiple parallel shipments that are being updated.

Steps to Enable

To take advantage of this new capability you will need to use the new IntCommand on the xml with IntCommandName: RemoveOrderFromParallelShipments