One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.REST Enabled Custom Action - Force Generate Shipments

This feature provides you with a REST Enabled Force Generate Shipments Custom Action.  Like the UI action, the Rest Enabled Force Generate Shipments action allows you to generate additional shipments for the specified ground schedule in an ad hoc fashion. The action Request is  - like the UI action limited to Ground Schedule ID, Date and Number of Ad Hoc shipments desired.  The Force Generate Shipments actions does the following when run:

  • Ignores the specified number of shipments for the schedule for a given date.
  • Ignores the effective date and expiration date of the ground schedule.
  • Generates the specified number of ground schedule shipments for the specified ground schedule and date.

The action does not decrease the number of shipments allowed for this schedule.

The REST Enabled Action provides the option to initiate actions from external applications as part of a larger cross application workflow.

Steps to Enable

To take advantage of this feature the properly formatted REST API must be provided to initiate the Request. See the Custom Actions section of the REST API for Fusion Cloud Transportation and Global Trade Management Business Object Resources.