Open Tender - Property to Control Hide/Show Duplicate Service Providers

This feature provides you with a new property - glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs - which provides you control for how duplicate service providers are handled in the situation where a Service Provider is already a selected Lane Service Providers and you use the Add Service Provider option to add service providers  to the Other Service Providers list includes duplicate entries already included in the Lane Service Providers list.  

When the property - glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs - is true (the default value) the follow behavior is supported.  Your duplicate Service Provider will only be included in the allowed in the Other Service Providers list, if the Service Provider is unselected in the Lane Service Providers list, if the duplicate Service Provider is selected in the Lane Service Providers list it will not be added to the Other Service Providers list,

The series of screenshots below demonstrate the behavior when the property - glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs - is true

Below is the initial setup for the Open Tender (in this case a Spot Bid Tender) - in this case the of Lane Service Providers are selected by default.

Lane Service Providers Selected Property = True

Lane Service Providers Selected Property = True

Now, an attempt will be made to Add a Service Provider already included in the Lane Service Providers list.

Add Duplicate Service Provider

Add Duplicate Service Provider

Below is the result, given the scenario above, the duplicate Service Provider is not added to the Other Service Providers list.

Duplicate Service Provider Not Added

Duplicate Service Provider Not Added

In the scenario below, the duplicate Service Provider is deselected in the Lane Service Providers list and the Add will add the duplicate Service Provider to the Other Service Providers list.

Deselect Lane Service Provider List - Add to Other Service Provider Lists Allowed

Deselect Lane Service Provider List - Add to Other Service Provider Lists Allowed

When the duplicate is unselected in the Lane Service Providers list, the Add Service Provider for the duplicate is allowed, as shown below.

Add Service Provider Duplicate Added When Not Selected in Lane Service Provider List

Add Service Provider Duplicate Added When Not Selected in Lane Service Provider List

When the property - glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs - is false, the unique condition that is now supported is that duplicates are allowed to be added to the Other Service Providers list, whether then are checked/or unchecked in the Lane Service Providers list.

In the example below, the property is false, the Lane Service Providers list has all the Service Providers checked and a duplicate Service Provider is going to be added - when the property was set to true this was not allowed - with the property set to false, this scenario is allowed.

Property False - Add Duplicate Allowed

Property False - Add Duplicate Allowed

After selecting Save - the result below is provided - the duplicate is allowed.  As you might expect, Submit only submits a single tender for the duplicate Service Provider.

Property False - Add Duplicate Allowed

Property False - Add Duplicate Allowed

This usability feature, is extremely useful in situations where your Add Service Provider step - in Open Tenders - results in adding duplicate Service Providers already provided in the Lane Service Providers list and managing/filtering out duplicates included in both the Lane Service Providers list and the Other Service Providers list (from the Add) is not easily accomplished due to a larger number of Service Providers included in the two lists.  This feature allows the Open Tender process to operate even with duplicates selected in the two lists - Lane Service Providers list and the Other Service Providers list.

Steps to Enable

To enable the new behavior, you will need to set the property - glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs - to false, the default is true.

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Property Management > Property Sets.

NOTE: Only the DBA.ADMIN user can access and use the Property Sets page.

Tips And Considerations

When the  property - glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs - is  true (default), you can uncheck the duplicate Service Provider from the Lane Service Providers list, perform Add Service Provider so the duplicate is added and checked in the Other Service Providers list, and then you can (if you want) recheck the duplicate in the Lane Service Providers list and Submit - and one tender will be transmitted for the duplicate.