One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Configure Additional Involved Parties for Online Booking/Tendering

This feature provides you with a new property - glog.tender.allowedInvlovedPartiesQualifiers - which when configured allows you to add a list of comma separated Involved Party Qualifiers to show on the Online/Booking Tendering (OBT) screen.    The default value for this property is blank, no additional Involved Parties will be displayed. 

In the example below, the Shipment has four Involved Party Qualifiers and contacts defined. 

Shipment Involve Parties

Shipment Involve Parties

With the default setup, with no Involved Party Qualifiers defined for the property glog.tender.allowedInvlovedPartiesQualifiers only the Logistics Involved Party Qualifier and contact details are shown on Online/Booking Tendering (OBT) screen Involved Party Tab as shown below.

Default Behavior - Logistics Involved Party Contact Details

Default Behavior - Logistics Involved Party Contact Details

To demonstrate the new capabilities, the property glog.tender.allowedInvlovedPartiesQualifiers is configured to include the Involved Party Qualifiers CARRIER and BANK.

Property Configured For Involved Party Qualifiers Carrier and Bank

Property Configured For Involved Party Qualifiers Carrier and Bank

With the property set as above, the Online/Booking Tendering Involved Parties tab now includes a new grid with the configured Involved Party Qualifiers and the related contact details.

Additional Involved Parties Included in Online/Booking Tendering Screen

Additional Involved Parties Included in Online/Booking Tendering Screen

The additional Involved Party grid on the Involved Parties tab is provided for both the Planner and Service Provider Online/Booking Tendering screens.  The view below is from the Service Provider's Online/Booking Tendering screen.

Service Provider Online/Booking Tender Involved Parties View

Service Provider Online/Booking Tender Involved Parties View

Using standard OTM Manager Layout capabilities you have the ability to configure the Involved Parties Grid.  In the example below both the Fax and Phone2 fields have been removed.

Configured Involved Parties Grid

Configured Involved Parties Grid

This feature provides the option to include additional involved parties in your booking/tendering communications.

Steps to Enable

To take advantage of this feature, the property glog.tender.allowedInvlovedPartiesQualifiers should be configured with a set of comma separated Involved Party Qualifiers that you want to include in your Online/Booking Tendering (OBT) screen.  The Default value of the property is blank.

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Property Management > Property Sets. Note: Only the DBA.ADMIN user can access and use the Property Sets page.

The property setup below was used in the example above.  In this setup, the Involved Party Qualifiers CARRIER and BANK have been configured so that the contact details for these Involved Party Qualifiers are displayed on the Involved Party tab on the Online/Booking Tendering (OBT) screen.

Configured Property Example

Configured Property Example

Tips And Considerations

The previous behavior of showing the Logistics Involved Party Qualifier's contact details remains unchanged.  This feature is provided to extend the list of Involved Party Qualifier contact details displayed.