Allow Co-Mingling of Specific Item Attributes

As part of the 24C release, we’ve introduced a new field “Ignore Attribute Values For Restrict Inventory Attribute” on the Locations screen for “Restrict Inventory Attribute” enabled Locations. This lets you mix multiple inventories of the same SKU in a Location, by specifying attributes that you would want to ignore. You can also make use of this functionality for mass updates on the Locations screen.

"ignore Attribute Values for Restrict Inventory Attributes"

"ignore Attribute Values for Restrict Inventory Attributes"

For example, you have a location with “Restrict Inventory Attribute” enabled. And you set the “Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check” field for Attribute A and Attribute B. So, now if you consume, move, replenish, or adjust inventories of a SKU in the location, the system behaves in the following manner:

  • All the inventory attribute values (i.e, Attribute C to Attribute O) should match across the inventories of the SKU, except for Attribute A and Attribute B. The Attribute A and Attribute B values shall be ignored across the inventories of the SKU even if there are any mismatches.
  • If there is a mismatch in any of the Attribute C to Attribute O values, the transaction will fail.

You also enjoy other advantages of this feature during transactions such as Lean-time Replenishment, Putaway and Cycle Count since Oracle WMS honors your preferences for ignoring the specified attribute values (a-o) while determining destination Locations.

The new field “Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check” is applicable for the following screens/transactions/APIs when the “Restrict Inventory Attribute” is enabled for a Location:

WMS UI screens

WMS RF transactions


  • Inbound LPN UI via “Locate LPN” action button
  • Purchase Order Detail UI via the “Locate LPN” action button
  • Inbound Shipment Header (Perform Detail Receiving UI) via the “Locate LPN” action button
  • Running Replenishment wave for trigger modes : Min Capacity, Percentage of Max, Order Based Replenishment and Movement Request Based Replenishment
  • Replenishment triggered with Picking Wave
  • Approval of Delayed/Deferred Cycle Count adjustment records
  • RF Putaway (User and System Directed) of LPN/Pallet
  • RF Locate LPN of LPN/Pallet
  • RF Cycle Count Location
  • RF Cycle Count LPN
  • RF Reactive replenishment
  • Locate scan as a part of RF Receiving, Create LPN and Mod/Cancel OBLPN
  • location/cc_confirm_count_lpn_scan
  • location/cc_confirm_active_count
  • iblpn/directed_putaway_location
  • iblpn/{id}/locate
  • iblpn/bulk_locate
  • pallet/{id}/locate
  • pallet/bulk_locate
  • iblpn/composite_create
  • location/update_active_inventory
  • inventory/bulk_update_inventory_attributes

The following table displays the system behavior for "Restrict Inventory Attribute" enabled Locations when the "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" field values are configured as per the conditions listed:




User Directed Putaway*

The scanned location already has inventory

Attribute validations are matched against the current inventories.

The scanned location has matching attributes

You can perform putaway.

The location has conflicting attributes

Displays the error message: "Location prevents diff invn attr combination for a SKU. Cannot Proceed."

  • Replenishment with Picking Wave
  • Reactive Replenishment
  • Movement Request - based Replenishment
  • Replenishment with the Trigger Mode set as "Order-based Replenishment"
  • Work Order Wave

The scanned location is empty but has "In-Transit" inventories

The attribute validations are matched against the in-transit inventories as well.

The scanned location already has current inventories

The attribute validations are matched against the current inventories.

If the scanned Location already has current allocated inventories

The attribute validations are matched against the current allocated inventories.

Lean time Replenishment with the Trigger Mode set as "Min Capacity" or "Percentage of Max"

The Permanent To Location is empty and has no "In-Transit" allocations

All the inventories allocated to this location will have matching attributes, except for the attributes listed on the "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" field

The Permanent To Location is empty and has "In-Transit" allocations

All the inventories allocated to this location will have matching "In-Transit" inventory, except for the attributes listed on the "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" field.

The Permanent To Location already has few inventories of the dedicated SKU

All the inventories allocated to this location will have matching current inventory, except for the attributes listed on the "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" field.

  • Delayed/Deferred Cycle Count and you perform manual/auto-approval of the Cycle Count Adjustment record
  • Immediate Cycle Count

"Restrict Inventory Attribute" is enabled for the location and has "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" configured

The system matches the attributes of a SKU, except for the attributes listed on the "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" field.

The system displays an error message only if the count results in a mismatch for the attribute values other than those listed in the "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" field.

"Restrict Inventory Attribute" is enabled for the location but does not have "Ignore attribute value for restrict attribute check" configured

The system displays an error message if the count results in a mismatch for any of the attribute values.

"Restrict Inventory Attribute" is disabled for the location

The system allows the mixing of different inventory of a SKU with different inventory attribute values in the location.

System-directed Putaway The scanned location already has inventory The attribute validations are matched against the current inventories.

* This applies for both Permanent and Dynamic Locations while performing putaway for LPNs as well as Pallets. For Dynamic Locations, the check is done at SKU level, as the location can have multiple SKUs present.

NOTE: While performing putaway to Active Locations, when you increase the quantity via the “entity/location/update_active_inventory/” API or perform bulk update using the “entity/inventory/bulk_update_inventory_attributes/” API and there are mismatching attributes, the system displays the error message: “Location prevents diff invn attr combination for a SKU. Cannot Proceed.”

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources