Extend Configuration Export/Import Tool to Allocation Mode Screen

In 24C, we have extended support for the Wave Template (WaveTemplateView) > Allocation Mode screen to use the Configuration Export/Import Tool. Now, in the Allocation Mode screen, you can easily migrate and replicate the UI configurations between facilities, companies, and environments by using the Configuration Export/Import tool.

For more information on the Export/Import (Config) action button and how to Export or Import Configurations, refer to Configuration Export/Import Tool in the 23B – What’s New.

Steps to Enable

  1. In each of the UI configuration screens, click on the Export/Import (Config) action button (gear icon) located on the right corner of the UI.
  2. You can then access the “export_configuration” and “import_configuration” drop-down options.

NOTE: To use the Configuration Export/Import feature in the relevant screens, you need to add the group permission “ConfigImportExport / Import/Export Configuration”.

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