Secure By Default (Automatic DV) SSL Certificate for Branded Domains

During branded domain conversion for every Response handler, an SSL Certificate will be created automatically in Akamai. These will be domain validated (DV) validated SSL Certificates and Responsys will take care of automatically renewing the SSL Certificate.

NOTE: Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificate are automatically renewed every 90 days. Doing so ensures the SSL certificate is generated using the latest certificate authority's root certificates. Frequently generating new a new SSL certificate improves the overall security, similar to often changing the locks and keys on your door. Unlike Organization Validated (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates, you do not need to provide an SSL certificate vendor a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to generate a DV SSL certificate.

Easier SSL Certificate management

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  • This feature will be automatically available for all customers having branded domains managed in Akamai.
  • For existing branded domains having Third party SSL, during renewal there will be option to switch to this feature.
  • If you would like to use your own SSL (Third party SSL), you are asked to open an SR with Oracle Support to request to disable this feature for the brand.

Access Requirements

  • By default, all customer branded domains will get this feature provided they are already on OCI.
  • Those hosted in i5 will have access to this feature after:
    • 24B deploys to i5
    • AND after the account completes the Domain Branding configuration update to Akamai. (Please contact Oracle Support if you are interested an want to proceed prior to the migration to OCI)
  • If you would like to use your own SSL (Third party SSL), you are asked to open an SR with Oracle Support to request to disable this feature for the brand.