Scripting Support for Price Models

Oracle CPQ 24D enables scripting support for charges and other extensible output values using the new  Advanced type Price Models and Scripting Price Model type Pricing Matrix Templates. Previously Advanced type Price Model scripts could only write product price values as output. Now customers can also generate charge pricing and other extensible dynamically calculated interim charge values such as cost, base price, distributor price, etc. as outputs to Commerce and the Calculate Price REST API.

As part of this new scripting capability, Oracle CPQ 24D introduces a new type of Advanced Price Model and a new type of Pricing Matrix Template as a combined solution to support this enhanced extensibility in pricing scripts. The new type of scripting Price Model is named ‘Advanced’ whereas legacy scripting Price Models are now renamed ‘Advanced (legacy)’ type Price Models. Advanced (legacy) type Price Models operation remains the same, and new Advanced (legacy) type Price Models can still be created.

Oracle CPQ 24D introduces a new Scripting Price Model type Pricing Matrix Template for use in combination with the new Advanced Price Models.  Advanced Price Models require an associated new Scripting Price Model type of Pricing Matrix Template to define the standard and custom attributes that will be accessed in the BML scripts.

At runtime, the Pricing Engine generates the applicable records in the Commerce Charge Array Set and populates the associated output price values in the quote and configuration charge schemas.

This enhances the current scripting capability in Pricing Engine by enabling the output of a wider variety of price values and attributes by a Price Model.

Steps to Enable

Refer to the Oracle CPQ Administration Online Help once this feature is generally available in Oracle CPQ Update 24D.