Write Extensible Output Values from Pricing Engine

Prior to 24D, customers could write extensible charge values as outputs from Pricing Engine with non-scripting Price Models. They could also use Pricing Matrices to define extensible input values to write a single unit price for products and charges. Beginning is Oracle CPQ 24D, customers can also write extensible dynamically calculated interim charge values as outputs to Commerce and the Calculate Price REST API using Advanced Price Models and Scripting Price Model templates. See Scripting Support for Price Models for more information.

For example, customers can add cost values for components such as cost of sales, rebates, or marketing programs in calculating a final margin value.

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24D, the Pricing Portal combines Charge Attributes with Pricing Attributes into a single Pricing Portal card. The "Charge" type Pricing Entity identifies Charge Attributes inside the Pricing Attributes module. The Pricing Attributes module supports all previous Charge Attribute fields and functionality.

Additionally, the new In/Out parameter for Pricing and Charge Attributes identifies if an attribute is a Pricing Engine input, output, internal, or external.

Oracle CPQ 24D also introduces the new Apply context-dependent data source in Pricing Attribute Mapping Pricing Option. This setting is only applicable when a Pricing Attribute has more than one Attribute Mapping.

When this option is On, the Pricing Attribute uses the Data Source corresponding to the current invocation context.

When this option Off, the Pricing Attribute honors the Attribute Mapping order number.

For example, assume a Pricing Attribute has two Data Sources: a Configuration model and a Commerce process. When this option is On, the Pricing Attribute uses the Configuration Data Source in the Configuration model, and the Commerce Data Source in the Commerce process. When this option is Off, the Pricing Attribute uses the Data Source with the lowest order number.

The default for this option is Off for customers currently using Pricing Engine. If a site does not have any pricing data or any Advanced Pricing Models yet defined the default for this option is On.

Customers can now not only use Pricing Engine to calculate a wider variety of pricing outputs, but they can also more clearly define and view their pricing data inputs and outputs. Additionally, they can assure that the correct configuration or commerce attribute is used when a pricing attribute is mapped to both modules.

Steps to Enable

Refer to the Oracle CPQ Administration Online Help once this feature is generally available in Oracle CPQ Update 24D.