Oracle Commerce Cloud Self-Service Checkout for Buyer Accepted Quotes

Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24D, Oracle Commerce Cloud (OCC) buyers initiate the checkout process to create an order for a buyer accepted quote directly from the Self-Service Portal. After an OCC buyer accepts a quote, they can select the Checkout option. When checkout is initiated, the OCC buyer can view the list of products with the appropriate pricing and discounting from the CPQ source quote.

During checkout, the OCC buyer can apply additional promotions and gift cards, if applicable. In CPQ, the source quote is updated indicate that self-service checkout has been initiated from OCC. On checkout, the OCC buyer provides all the necessary shipping, billing, and payment information required to complete the ordering process.

On successful order completion, all required fields for the source quote are updated in CPQ.

The new OCC self-service checkout streamlines checkout process for buyer accepted quotes.

Steps to Enable

Refer to the Oracle CPQ Administration Online Help once this feature is generally available in Oracle CPQ Update 24D.