Share Quote Proposal Documents with Oracle Commerce Cloud Self-Service Portal Buyers

Oracle CPQ 24D provides additional functionality for proposal documents that are attached to CPQ quotes published to the Oracle Commerce Cloud (OCC) Self-Service Portal. Beginning in Oracle CPQ 24D, OCC buyers can view and request on-demand proposal documents from the Self-Service Portal.  When an OCC buyer submits a proposal document request for quote that is in the Acceptance phase, CPQ automatically generates and sends the requested proposal document.

OCC buyers can also request a proposal document for products from the Self-Service Portal Cart. When the request is sent, CPQ automatically generates and sends a quote to Self-Service Portal, and the OCC buyer is redirected to the quotes list page. The OCC buyer can then open the quote to review the new quote and the attached proposal document.

The new generation process for proposal documents increases efficiency for OCC buyers and lowers the cost of sales for CPQ sellers.

Steps to Enable

Refer to the Oracle CPQ Administration Online Help once this feature is generally available in Oracle CPQ Update 24D.