Support JSON Format for DocuSign Connect Messages

The Oracle CPQ DocuSign eSignature integration facilitates the interaction between the two applications to provide the most up-to-date eSignature information within Oracle CPQ. DocuSign will send a message to CPQ to notify when a workflow event is triggered, such as when an eSignature envelope is signed or declined by a recipient. DocuSign Connect is the webhook service Oracle CPQ uses to receive these event messages. DocuSign Connect event messages can be formatted as JSON or XML.

Prior to Oracle CPQ 24D, CPQ supported DocuSign Connect message in XML format only. This feature adds Oracle CPQ support for JSON DocuSign Connect messages, including both JSON SIM and Aggregate modes. When a DocuSign Connect message is sent, it is parsed based on the content type header, JSON or XML, and validated using DocuSign HMAC security protocol. The Oracle CPQ DocuSign integration requires a DocuSign-generated secure Connect Key in order to authenticate JSON event messages.

Steps to Enable

Refer to the Oracle CPQ Administration Online Help once this feature is generally available in Oracle CPQ Update 24D.