Redwood Quote Designer

The Redwood Quote Designer is integrated into the quote layout. Administrators can easily switch between Live and Design modes to view real-time changes. Seamless editing improves efficiency and accuracy in layout design with robust undo and redo functionality.

Oracle CPQ 24D also supports adding multiple instances of same attribute for Redwood quotes. The attribute can be added to the same or different Redwood Quote tabs. When the attribute value changes in one place, the other instance values are automatically updated.

Layout Themes

The Redwood Quote Designer provides multiple pre-built themes to match your company's branding and ensure a uniform appearance across quote documents and user interfaces.

In addition to the pre-defined Redwood theme, Oracle CPQ 24D also provides a SFDC theme that can be quickly implemented for Salesforce integrations.

Express and Guided Imports

Express and Guided Import options simplify and streamline the migration process from JET and Legacy layouts to the Redwood layout. They provide a user-friendly design to guide administrators step-by-step through the migration process to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to business operations.

The Redwood Designer advanced customization features and multiple pre-defined views allow administrators to tailor the appearance and layout views to match specific customer requirements.

Steps to Enable

Refer to the Oracle CPQ Administration Online Help once this feature is generally available in Oracle CPQ Update 24D.