Product Global Filter on the Sales Dashboard

The Product Global Filter feature enables sales users to apply a single filter to the entire sales dashboard, influencing all components and data displayed. By selecting a specific product or product group, users can instantly tailor the dashboard to showcase relevant statistics and information. This provides a focused view of performance metrics and insights based on the chosen criteria, enhancing the relevance and usability of the data. The Product Groups Filter is also available in the Saved Search list views.

Enabling Product Global Filters on the Sales Dashboard will provide several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Provides sales teams with the ability to view precise data related to specific products or product groups, leading to more informed and strategic decisions.
  • Increased Efficiency: Reduces the time spent manually filtering and searching for product-specific data across multiple dashboard components.
  • Improved Sales Performance: Empowers users to identify trends, opportunities, and issues within specific product lines, driving targeted actions that can improve sales outcomes.

Analysis Capabilities with Product Global Filter

  • Sales Performance Metrics: Analyze sales volume, revenue, and growth trends for specific products or product groups.
  • Customer Segmentation: Understand which customer segments purchase particular products, aiding in targeted marketing and sales strategies.
  • Trend Identification: Detect emerging trends or patterns in product performance over time, enabling proactive decision-making.
  • Inventory Management: Monitor stock levels and turnover rates for specific products, optimizing inventory management and reducing costs.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Enable Product Global Filter for all the sales user personas and use it for Opportunity or Leads-related components.

Key Resources

Sales Dashboard Resources:

  1. Direct Link: /fscmUI/redwood/cx-sales/application/container/dashboards/sales-dashboard
  2. Walkthrough:
  3. Documentation:
  4. For any issues, clarifications or demos, contact: Piyush at

Access Requirements

Enable the Sales Dashboard: