Load Invoiced Sales Orders

Integration with Order Management enables you to directly extract sales orders, shipments, and related invoice details into Channel Revenue Management. Channel Revenue Management then uses this information to determine accruals based on the terms of your agreement with the customer.

This feature:

  • Eliminates the need to export sales orders from Fusion Order Management and import them into Channel Revenue Management via CSV.
  • Enables seamless accrual creation immediately after the sales order is invoiced.
  • Reduces the cost of ownership

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Order Management

If you haven't implemented Customer Channel Programs in Redwood, then refer to the Roadmap for Setting up Customer Channel Management chapter in the Implementing Channel Revenue Management guide.

After you implement Customer Channel Programs:

  1. Configure the profile Start Date for Initial Load of Invoiced Sales Orders from Receivables and specify the start date in mm/dd/yyyy format for the initial load of invoiced sales orders from Receivables. Set this to include past transactions for up to 18 months from the current date.
  2. Configure the channel setting Charge Type for Accrual Calculation and specify the Pricing charge type to be used to calculate accruals for invoiced sales orders imported from Receivables. The default setting is All.
  3. Configure the channel setting Charge Subtype for Accrual Calculation and specify the Pricing charge subtype to be used to calculate accruals for invoiced sales orders imported from Receivables. The default setting is All.
  4. Schedule the Load Transactions process with the source as Invoiced Sales Order, typically nightly. Note that this extracts data from Fusion Order Management and Receivables, starting from the date specified in the profile for the first run, and includes incremental invoices in subsequent runs. Extracted batch details will be available in the Manage Batches UI.
  5. Schedule the Create Accruals for Channel Batch, Create Accruals for Co-op Programs, and Create Accruals for Volume Programs processes to create accruals for the Customer Program, Customer Volume Program, Co-op Program, and Customer Annual Volume Program.

Tips And Considerations

  • If you currently load sales orders via CSV, then ensure that you set the Start Date for the Initial Load of Invoiced Sales Orders from Receivables profile option in such a way that duplicate orders aren’t loaded, because the system doesn’t check for duplicates.
  • Percentage-based rebates are applied based on the charge type and charge subtype configuration in the channel settings. However, amount-based rebates won’t consider charge configuration and the discount will always be applied per unit.
  • This feature does not support custom qualifiers that are based on descriptive flexfields on the sales invoice header and line.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

  • Load Transactions (CJM_LOAD_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)
  • Manage Channel Settings (CJM_MANAGE_CHANNEL_SETTINGS_PRIV)
  • Create Accruals for Channel Batch (CJM_CREATE_ACCRUALS_FOR_CHANNEL_BATCH_PRIV)
  • Create Accruals for Volume Programs (CJM_CREATE_ACCRUALS_FOR_VOLUME_PROGRAMS_PRIV)
  • Create Accruals for Co-op Programs (CJM_CREATE_ACCRUALS_FOR_CO_OP_PROGRAMS_PRIV)
  • Manage Channel Batches (CJM_MANAGE_CHANNEL_BATCHES_PRIV)

These privileges were available prior to this update.