Redwood: Search Workflow History

Use the new Product Management Search: Workflow History interface to configure and run fast, efficient workflow history searches for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.

To navigate to the new workflow history search, go to TasksProduct Management Experience > Search Products > Product Management Search: Workflow History.

You can search across change types to find all affected object redlines and change header, workflow status, and entity updates that were made.

Let's say you want to find all the workflow edits authored by a particular user, Riley Smith, between June 23, 2024 and July 2, 2024. You can filter the search results by workflow type, author, and date.

History Records for Workflow Edits Filtered by Author and Date

History Records for Workflow Edits Filtered by Author and Date

Here's what you can do when you search for change history:

  • Select any configured view which can include attributes from the workflow history tab.
  • Based on the configuration of the selected view, you can:
    • Search by keywords
    • Apply one or more filters on the search results
  • Show or hide columns of the selected view.
  • Use the Sort function to sort any column.
  • Export the selected list of workflow history.
  • Create saved searches. You can create the following types of saved searches:
    • System searches: Saved searches available to all users (provided you have the necessary privileges).
    • Personal searches: Saved searches for personal usage.
    • Personal shared searches: You can create a search and share the URL with other users. Then, they can save it as their personal search.
  • You can apply filters or remove filters from the filter drawer.

Depending on the work area from which the search is launched, the workflow type is filtered or restricted to certain change types. However, you can override the filter to display all change types.

Work Areas and Default Filtered Workflow Types

Work Area Default Filtered Workflow Types
Product Development Engineering Change Orders, Non Revision Change Orders, Engineering Change Requests and Deviation Change Requests
Product Information Management Commercialization Change Orders
Quality Management Problem Reports, Corrective and Preventive Actions

You can combine multiple keyword searches along with applied filters to complete the search.

For example, let's say you want to find all workflow history for a specific change order, ECO-0341. You can filter the search results by workflow number or name and type.

History Records Filtered by Change Number.

History Records Filtered by Change Number

Let's say you want to find all workflow history for a specific affected object, e-bike. You can enter the affected object in the search box to filter by affected object.

 History Records Filtered by Affected Object

 History Records Filtered by Affected Object

This enhancement benefits your business by providing a very fast and efficient means to search the workflow history of your change order, change request, problem report, and corrective action. The history can include any affected object redlines, change header, workflow status and any workflow entity updates that were made in the past.

Steps to Enable

You can configure the index of attributes you want to use in your searches, and create specific search views. To navigate to the Index and View Management page, use the following tasks within the Product Management Experience section in the Tasks panel:

  • Configure Index
  • Configure Views

Configure Index and Configure Views

Configure Index and Configure Views

In the Index and View Management interface, you can:

  • Configure indexing of attributes for each object.
  • Configure multiple search views.
  • Configure display options for each view.

Configure Index

On the Index Management page, you see the objects that are enabled for index configuration. The Configure Index page for each object shows you the list of attributes and attribute groups that are already indexed. You can add or remove attributes and then rebuild the index to include additional Change Header or Workflow History attributes. After the rebuilding is complete, you can add the attributes to a search view. You need to re-build the index after a quarterly update. 

Configure Index Page for Change Attributes

Configure Index Page for Change Attributes

Configure Views

The View Management page displays a list of views that are already configured. You can modify an existing view or create a new one. For each view, you can add or remove attributes that are indexed. The Manage Changes page displays the default view.

For each attribute, you can enable the following:

  • Keyword Search - Search for the attribute by entering a search term in the search field.
  • Display columns - Show a column for the attribute in the search results.
  • Filters - Filter results by the attribute. Filter chips are enabled for attributes which are either date or text. You can’t enable filter chips for long text attributes.

Configure Search View for Workflow History

Configure Search View for Workflow History

Tips And Considerations

  • You must run the index the first time, and each time you add a new attribute, if you want to use the newly added attribute in your search.
  • The index is run behind the scenes for new changes that are added after the index was last rebuilt.
  • Administrators must make a default search view to display the search results based on the configuration. The default view is applicable to all users.
  • Name, Number, and Workflow Type are the default indexed attributes. You can't remove them from the index.
  • You can search for multiple changes by entering change numbers separated by space. For example: NPI123 NPI124 ECO123 ECR123
  • When you select the object, it will be opened in its respective work area, regardless from which work area you have launched the search.
  • You must include the application user FUSION_APPS_SCM_ADF_APPID when you add users to the Security tab of the change type.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains these privileges can access this feature:

To search for changes in the new interface:

  • Users with view only access to changes require the following privileges:
    • Access Product Management Change Search (EGO_VIEW_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_CHANGE_SEARCH)
    • View Change History (EGO_VIEW_CHANGE_HISTORY_PRIV) 
    • GET Product Management Index REST (EGP_GET_PM_INDEX_REST_PRIV)
  • You should have Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV) and one of the following privileges:
    • For change orders:
      • View Change Order (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV) or
      • Manage Change Orders (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_ORDERS_PRIV)
    • For change requests:
      • View Change Request (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV)
      • Manage Change Requests (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PRIV)
    • For problem reports:
      • View Problem Report (ACA_VIEW_PROBLEM_REPORTS_PRIV)
      • Manage Problem Report (ACA_MANAGE_PROBLEM_REPORT_PRIV)
    • For corrective and preventive actions:
      • View Corrective Action (ACA_VIEW_CORRECTIVE_ACTIONS_PRIV)
      • Manage Corrective Action (ACA_MANAGE_CORRECTIVE_ACTION_PRIV)

To configure the index:

  • Manage Product Management Index (EGP_MANAGE_PM_INDEXES_PRIV)
  • Manage Scheduled Job Definition (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_JOB_DEFINITION_PRIV)
  • Grant Search Framework Manager Permissions (FND_SEARCH_FWK_MGR_PRIV)

To rebuild the index:

  • Rebuild Product Management Indexes (EGO_REBUILD_PRODUCT_MGT_INDEXES_PRIV)

To create search views:

  • Manage Product Management View (EGP_MANAGE_PM_VIEWS_PRIV)
  • Manage Scheduled Job Definition (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_JOB_DEFINITION_PRIV)
  • Grant Search Framework Manager Permissions (FND_SEARCH_FWK_MGR_PRIV)
  • Access Product Development Configurations Using a REST Service (ACA_GET_PD_CONFIGURATIONS_REST_PRIV)
  • Get View Available Attribute REST (EGP_VIEW_AVAIL_ATTR_REST_PRIV)