View Requisitions as a Requester on a Document

You can now view requisitions created for you as a requester in the Responsive Self Service Procurement application. Before this release, you could only view requisitions that you created unless you had the View All Requisitions privilege.

To use this feature, navigate to the My Requisitions page, which displays all requisitions for which you are either a Preparer or a Requester. For requisitions created by others, you will only see items being requested for you and the names of users who created these requisitions.

Requisition with items requested for you

Requisition with Items Requested for You

When viewing requisitions on which you are a requester, these details are available:

  • Requisition details 
  • Document history
  • Requisition life cycle
  • Associated orders
  • Approvers

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Procurement

If you want to use the View Requisitions as a Requester on a Document feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Procure Goods and Services Using the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application. If you’ve already opted into this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again.

Tips And Considerations

  • You can't update requisitions on which you are only a requester.
  • When viewing requisition details of requisitions where you are a Requester on one or more lines, you can view details of all the requisition lines, including the ones not requested for you.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Requisition with the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application (POR_MANAGE_REQ_WITH_PWA_PRIV) to access the responsive application.

This privilege isn’t required if you have opted in to the Enable the Responsive Version as the Default Self Service Procurement Application feature to access the Responsive Self Service Procurement application.

This privilege was available prior to this update.