Request New Suppliers

You can now use the Responsive Self Service Procurement application to submit a new supplier registration request with the next generation Redwood supplier registration flow. To request a new supplier, launch the New Supplier Registration process using the Request New Supplier action from the Home page.

Request New Supplier Action

Request New Supplier Action

You can enter all the supplier details, including company details, contacts, addresses, and business classifications as applicable to your organization.

Request Details

Request Details

You could save your request instead of submitting it in one go. If you have a saved request, the next time you start the Request New Supplier process, you will see an option to continue your last saved request or start over with a new one. 

Continue Saved Request or Start over dialog

Continue Saved Request or Start Over Dialog Window

On submission of the registration request, you will see a confirmation message with the supplier registration request number.

Using this feature, you can register new suppliers directly without accessing the Supplier work area or contacting another user in the organization to create a request. This improves the efficiency of the procurement process.

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Procurement

If you want to use the Request New Suppliers feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Procure Goods and Services Using the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application. If you’ve already opted in to this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again. 

In addition, you need to opt in to the Redwood: Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Registration feature for Suppliers with the Self service procurement supplier request option.

Key Resources

  • For more information on the next generation supplier registration, refer to the Redwood: Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Registration feature, available in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement What's New, update 24D.

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains the following privileges can access this feature:

  • Manage Requisition with the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application (POR_MANAGE_REQ_WITH_PWA_PRIV) to access the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application.

This privilege isn’t required if you have opted in to the Enable the Responsive Version as the Default Self Service Procurement Application feature to access the Responsive Self Service Procurement application.

This privilege was available prior to this update.

  • Submit Supplier Registration (POZ_SUBMIT_SUPPLIER_REGISTRATION_PRIV)

This privilege was available prior to this update.