Bulk Update User Groups

Just as you have always been able to bulk update the products, categories, dates, etc. of articles you will now be able to do the same for user groups.  This will add and remove however many user groups you select at the article level for all articles selected.  If more than 10 articles are selected, then the update will be scheduled just as is the case with other bulk updates.

Drop down menu showing Change User Groups

Business Value:

When a user group is no longer needed you can now quickly remove it from all articles it is currently connected to.  Additionally, when a new group is added and you need to connect it to a lot of your existing articles (such as a new support tier) then that also is far easier to accomplish than it used to be.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This feature requires an upgrade to 24C.