View Filtering of User Groups in Customer Portal

Imagine that the following configuration were present in your Knowledge Advanced instance:

View Customer Portal User Group(s)
ViewA Alpha UserGroupA
ViewB Beta UserGroupB

It would be possible to create an article that is available to both ViewA and ViewB that contains conditional sections for UserGroupA and UserGroupB.  Prior to this feature a Contact that had access to both Customer Portals (and both User Groups) would have seen exactly the same article in both.  With this feature enabled that same Contact, while using the Alpha Customer Portal, would see any anonymous parts of the article and any parts of the article that are available to UserGroupA, but not the sections for UserGroupB.  To see the UserGroupB sections the user would need to log in to the Beta Customer Portal.

Business Value:

The place where this feature is useful is if your Views align to call queues, you have cross trained contact center representatives, and there is a lot of knowledge overlap between those Views with specific instructions that need to be targeted to different Views.  Prior to this feature these cross trained representatives could easily have made a mistake when using knowledge because they would be seeing content that was really meant for a different queue than the one they are currently working in, now that risk is removed.  Additionally, because this will make articles shorter in each View, they will be faster to consume.

Steps to Enable

Your administrator will need to log in to the Authoring UI and navigate to Tools > System - Configure > Content Visibility Configuration.

Once there, enable "Use User Groups of Active Interface's View For Contact User" to turn this feature on.  Nothing else should be required assuming that you already have all of the User Group/View/Customer Portal/Contact configuration mentioned above.

Note that this setting also impacts API calls, meaning that UIs built against the APIs can also take advantage of this feature, only needing to check the box.

Tips And Considerations

This feature requires an upgrade to 24C.