Enhanced Business Rules: Exit Function

A new action called ‘Exit Function’ is available to exit the function without executing the subsequent rules in the Function.

  • The ‘Exit Function’ is available to exit the function without executing the subsequent rules in the Function.
  • The control will be returned to the rule in the State that called the function.
  • Exit Function action is available only in Functions.
  • When a rule containing Exit Function is moved out of a Function, the Exit Function will be removed.
  • When a rule containing only the Exit Function in the THEN clause, an error message will be thrown.

Exit Function in the THEN clause

Exit Function in the THEN clause

Exit Function - Informational message

Exit Function - Informational message

Exit Function - Error message

Exit Function - Error message

Business Values:

  • Flexibility: Admins can easily avoid executing the subsequent rules in the function.
  • Performance: Improves the run time efficiency by avoiding unwanted rules in the flow.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

This enhancement requires an upgrade to B2C Service 24C.